How To Create Great Social Assets
05.04.22 | Digital marketing, Marketing assets, Social media & Source Design

Posting to social media is easy, right? I mean, all you need to do is get a pretty picture and hit the ‘Post’ button. Job done. Sit back, relax and go viral. Or not… In this blog, we want to help you create great social media assets.
Whilst they are a great start, these top-secret tips are not the entire picture when it comes to creating engaging social media assets. So if you would like help with any of your social media strategies, feel free to give us a shout.
So, how do you create great social media assets?
We all know how powerful a solid social media strategy can be – before you know it, you and your brand are spreading all around the world. However, if it was that easy, we would all do it. Below are some fundamental things to think about when you are putting together your social strategy and social assets.
- Audience
- Channel
- Timing
- Media types
- Branding
- Don’t sell, sell, sell
Knowing your audience in anything you do is extremely important. Knowing who they are, what they like, where they live, their moral values, age, sex, etc. will all give you handy tips into the types of social media they are more likely to engage with and, what social channels they are on.
Is your audience on the channel you are using? Is that channel appropriate to what you want to post? Be wary of what the best channel is for your brand and don’t waste your time trying to build a following on a social channel that isn’t relevant to you.
You now know who your audience is and where to find them. Now you need to know when to post to them. It is important to know, not only when they are most active on the channel (you can usually find this information out), but also understand what is going on in their world and produce content that is relevant to them at that time.
Media Type
Think about the best way of broadcasting your story. Is a picture the best way of getting your post across? Would you benefit from shooting a simple video or animation? Does the social asset work across platforms, or should you be making variations of the post to work for the specific channel?
It’s always great to get your brand in front of your audience. Make sure your social asset has a brand style in common for every post. It may just be your logo in the corner, follow certain colours and design elements, or the same intro and outro phrases in a video. Whatever it is, make sure that, if someone sees it, they know it is one of your posts.
Don’t sell, sell, sell
Come on – be honest. How often do we get sales messages thrown in our faces every day? I know you want to sell your product and service – it is what keeps bread on the table after all. The most engaging social media you see will not be selling anything – directly, at least. Give your audience useful information, hints and tips etc. They’ll be more likely to share your posts and remember your brand when it comes to the time they need you.
Now you are armed with these tried and tested pieces of gold dust, you are all set to conquer the social media universe. Go well! If you do need help with your social strategy though, as well as your communication plan, we are a kickass digital marketing agency that can help you produce amazing social media strategies and assets that will make all the difference to you and your business.
Give us a shout today. Heck, why not at least give us a follow or like on our social networks?